Monday 1 October 2012

Tech Blogs not too techie as they skip authorship

The findings of a recent survey are not only intriguing but surprising as well. According to the study results, out of 100 tech blogs only 9 percent do implement the ‘rel=author’ authorship. To be more precise, only 9 percent of tech blogs have implemented the feature of rel=author in a proper manner by adding the tag towards their websites and also by pointing to Google + account of author. Out of 100 technology blogs that were surveyed, only 3 percent have implemented the feature of rel=author in an incomplete manner that means they didn't attach link to the Google + account of author and 88 percent of tech blog chose to stay away from this feature that means they have not implemented this feature at all. This is really surprising especially at a time when everybody has realized that a human face right below the search result has more chances of being clicked and read than the normal search result.

This is really stunning revelation because these tech blogs are supposed to know about rel=author feature and another thing is that this feature facilitates increase in click via rate from search results of Google to their respective websites. Naturally, a higher click via rate facilitates further ad impressions, which in turn leads to the increase in the revenues of these tech blogs. Generally it has been witnessed that implementation of authorship leads to click increment via rate through 30 percent to almost 150 percent or higher.

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